长投影设计已经被广泛地应用于图标和标志中。阴影存在于画布元素中并通常会在背景边框中延伸出对象。我们现在看到的许多长投影设计概念均来自于一些设计师在探索更加富有创意的方式,为苹果公司的新一代操作系统iOS 7设计图标。
苹果发布新一代操作系统iOS 7之后,大多数的移动用户界面都转向了扁平化设计。设计界下一个大潮便是长投影了。如你所想,这一大潮将会包含那些完全不顾及比例的长阴影,可不知为何他们看起来却是的那么的惊艳。
Long shadow a new trend after the flat design The trend is impacting UI elements and icons the strongest, and designers also start using into other parts of website design and mobile user interface.
Long shadow design has been mostly used in icons and logos. Shadows live within the element canvas and often extend outside an object to the surrounding frame. Many of the long shadow concepts we are seeing come from projects where designers are looking for creative ways to build icons for Apple iOS 7.
As already told you! long shadow design seems to be an evolution of the flat design trend. Designers looking to create more depth but work within the concept of flat design have created a sort of middle ground with long shadows.
After the Apple iOS 7, most of the mobile user interfaces is turned into Flat Design. And next big thing coming in design trend is “Long Shadow As you might be able to imagine, this trend includes objects with disproportionately long shadows, and for some reason it looks absolutely fantastic.
Here’s a big list of long shadow examples in flat design that we picked up from dribbble.com, behance.net and all over the internet.
Illustrated Bowiewolf with Long Shadow
Cassette Tape
Typography with Long Shadow
Matsebneesh Mobile UI
Long Shadow Design
Fox Icon
Flat iPhone 5 Adobe Fireworks Template
Social Media Icons
Marlboro icon
Twitter Long Shadow
Dribbble long shadow
Apple Long Shadow iOS icon
Mobile company iOS App icon with long shadows
Long Shadow App Icon
SPARK Long Shadow Icon
Flat Icon Design – Long Shadows
Long shadow Mail Icon
Shoppinpal Icon with Long Shadow
Designmodo logo with long shadow
GDJ logo with long shadow
Date App Icon
YouPix Long Shadow icon
Flat Long Shadow
Flat magnify icon
GIG App Icon
Google Play Long Shadow
iOS 7 App Icon
Sync is the New Save
Crockhaus Icon
Long Shadow Design – Superman Icon
MacBook Pro Longshadow
iOS7 longshadow icon
Flat Design Long Shadow
Inner Outer Shadow
Cloud Icon with Long Shadow
Dribbble Mobile App
Minion iOS7 Icon
Flat Icon Frontend”
We’re Hiring
Palette Longshadow Icon
Flat Profile for Social Fashion Network – iOS app
Long Shadow in typography
Long Shadow Design
Long Shadow Google APN improved
Long shadow love: iOS 7 icons
Long Shadow is the New Flat
Source Link:http://blog.goodfav.com/long-shadow-examples-7925.html